Ambition is interesting because how big we dream is a major determinant of how far we can go, in business, in government or in life.
We have written a book, collected interviews with a diverse range of New Zealanders, and put out a survey to gather a wide range of views.

Our online survey gathered data about ambition in New Zealand that we used to test the ideas in the book and video interviews. Between July and October 2018, we collected 1,298 complete survey responses. Thank you to everyone who filled it in.
The survey results are discussed in our book.
If you are interested in using this data for research purposes, please get in touch.
(Note that we did not collect any identifying information from participants.)
Video Interviews
We have completed short video interviews with more than a hundred and fifty people. We ask five questions:
- What does “ambition” mean to you?
- Are you ambitious?
- Why do you think you are this way?
- Describe the most ambitious person you know (not you)
- What would enable you to be more ambitious?
Please subscribe for updates.
About the Project
Why Bother
The idea of this work is to make an enduring contribution to how New Zealanders understand themselves. Describing ambition more inclusively might make it less of a dirty word. By shining a light on our attitudes and behaviors, we can come to understand them, building a foundation for changing them over time.
Our goal is to support a national conversation about ambition that encourages more New Zealanders to be more ambitious about more things: not just sport, or business, but family and community life, music and the arts, the environment and our wider wellbeing.
This work is a private apolitical effort unaffiliated with any organization.
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Who is Involved

Julie Fry
Julie Fry is a consulting economist and World Class New Zealander who divides her time between New York and a family farm near Motueka. She established the AmbitionNZ project to encourage more New Zealanders to be more ambitious about more things.
Julie has Master’s degrees in economics from both the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University, and she received a Nuffield Fellowship to research discrimination issues at the University of Warwick in Coventry. She has worked for the New Zealand Treasury, Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and HM Treasury in London on issues including productivity, immigration, Māori economic development, child poverty and wellbeing. She is the co-author of two books about migration in New Zealand, Going Places and Better Lives. Together with her Ambition co-author Hayden Glass and another friend, she co-owns the Open Book, a delightful secondhand bookstore in Ponsonby, Auckland.
With Thanks To
Founding principal sponsor and advisor: Jenny Sutton
Ambition book co-author: Hayden Glass
Branding & Website: 360 Design
Survey Design: Joanna Smith and Anna Livesey
Book: Caren Wilton, Tina Delceg, Wakefields Digital, David Bateman Ltd and Penny Hartill
Video Editing: Rosel Labone

Copyright 2022, AmbitionNZ